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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Microscope Activity

Activity No. ___
Compound Microscope:
Parts and Function

I. Material
Compound microscope

II. Procedure
1. Draw and label the parts of a compound microscope.
2. Fill out the table below by identifying the parts and function of the microscope.

Parts of microscope Functions
I. Illuminating Parts
II. Magnifying Parts
III. Mechanical Parts

Activity No. ___
Using the microscope correctly

I. Materials
Slide and cover slip
Small letter “e”
Dropper with water

II. Procedure
A. Preparing the microscope for use
1. Remove the microscope from its case by grasping it firmly on the arm and base. Put on the table with the arm facing you.
2. Wipe off the mirror and lenses with a piece of soft cloth in one direction only.
3. Align the low power objective with the body tube by turning it. A clicking sound will be heard if it is in the proper position.
4. Turn the disk to the largest opening to be able to admit enough light.
5. Look into the eyepiece while you are adjusting the mirror until a clear field of light without any shadow is obtained.
B. Preparing the slide and using the microscope
1. Place the letter “e” at the middle of the glass slide and drop a little amount of water. Cover it with a cover slip.
2. Place the slide onto the stage. See to it that letter “e” is just under the low power objective. Secure the slide on place using the clips.
3. Look into the eyepiece as you slowly move the adjusting screw. Watch for the letter to be seen in the field. Bring the letter into sharp focus.
4. Turn the revolving nosepiece to change from low power objective to high power objective. Compare the appearance of letter “e”.

III. Observation
1. Draw letter “e” as seen under:

Low Power Objective High Power Objective

IV. Analysis
1. Compare the letter “e” when viewed under LPO and HPO.
2. Why is the microscope the most important tool you will use in biology?

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Your Horroscope